Frankenstein Head 002

Frankenstein Head 002

Design and sculpture of a Frankenstein head by Tomek Radziewicz. The unique collector's sculpture from the world of science fiction and fantasy. The original monster head was carved from polymer clay.


Weight: 160 g
Round base: 9 cm
Material: polyurethane resin
Dimensions & colour may vary slightly
Production time: 2-4 weeks

47,00 €


The subject of the Frankenstein monster has been and will be repeatedly exploited. I also sculpted my version of this monster. This topic is an interesting challenge for the sculptor to propose something new individual. This is my version of Frankenstein's monster. A quick sketch made in Nsp medium. I didn't want to make the classic known version of this creature. I hope you like it.

Making a head sculpture is not difficult. It only requires willingness. Creating an interesting portrait and character of the portrait is another matter. Fixing such a sculpture in a hard material and reproducing it in resin is very simple and it is a lot of fun for man. When you make your own sculpture and see that you can quickly have it in your hand without using a 3D printer, you will understand how great pleasure it is and that it is something special these days.

Read more about Frankenstein on my blog HERE